To donate, please choose the fund you would like to support and make your donation below.
Basic Needs
Women and children across America are seeking resources for basic needs like shelter, food, and clothing as they suffer through a crisis. Please join us in helping them have stability in these basic areas.
Health & Wellness
Women who are un-or under-insured often are reluctant to seek preventive health care for themselves or their children, resulting in a personal healthcare crisis landing them or their children in an emergency room with immediate healthcare needs. Your gift will immediately help a woman or her child receive the medical care intervention they desperately need.
Education & Training
Women seeking education or additional training to uplift them from their current crisis to financial stability (for themselves or their children) often need financial assistance to make that dream a reality. Your financial support will help a woman seeking additional education or training needed to bring themselves out of their current crisis.
Emergency & Crisis
Every minute of every day, there are women suffering from crisis. A life event that is catastrophic and unplanned, causing heartache and pain. Life events that cause hardships may include divorce, becoming a widow, domestic violence, homelessness, suffering from mental health issues or a disability, a loss of housing or a job, or losing their mode of transportation that limits their daily routine and significantly impacts their life. Join us today in helping uplift these women from heartache to healing.
Make A Donation
Transform lives like Amie’s every month.
When she received direct financial assistance from Uplift, everything changed. Suddenly, she and her son could leave the instability of a shelter and rent a safe apartment, and fill it with food, furnishings and love. Find this story and more in Our Impact.